Respect for human rights

Respect diverse cultures and ways of thinking and promote respect for human rights

The JAT Group welcomes a variety of customers from across Japan and around the world. We thus have a crucial responsibility to respect diverse cultures and ways of thinking, as well as to respect human rights in the supply chain and throughout our business, merchandise sales and food and beverage (F&B) businesses included.As the foundation of our company, we will promote inclusiveness such as diversity and inclusion and respect for human rights, and proceed with our business activities.

JAT Group Human Rights Policy, Procurement Policy, Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

In view of its mission as a corporate group responsible for the construction, management and operation of passenger terminals that are of highly public nature, the Japan Airport Terminal Group recognizes that respect for human rights is a corporate responsibility and an important issue. we will build a promotion system under our Sustainability Basic Policy in order to carry out our business in a sincere and fair manner while giving due consideration to human rights in accordance with the Policy, and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights for all people who may be affected by our business activities.
Regarding our procurement activities, we pay attention to environmental and social issues in all business activities, including the entire supply chain, and conduct transactions in a Fair, Just, and Sincere Manner. We will ensure that our business partners are kindly expected to understand the purpose of the “Japan Airport Terminal Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines”, which summarizes matters that we require them to comply with, respect each other's positions, and build good partnerships based on mutual trust. By doing so, we will conduct responsible procurement activities based on this policy.

Participation in the UN Global Compact

Participation in the UN Global Compact

In August 2024, our group signed the United Nations Global Compact. We are committed to supporting the 10 principles, which consist of the four areas of "human rights," "labor," "environment," and "anti-corruption," and will continue to actively engage in these efforts.As a corporate group that welcomes a wide range of customers from around the world and throughout Japan and is responsible for the construction, management, and operation of highly public terminals, we will further strengthen our efforts to promote sustainability and sustainable growth.

Declaration of partnership building


As our group collaborates with many business partners and businesses in operating airport terminals, we have published a "Declaration of partnership building" with the aim of promoting proper supply chain management and fair procurement practices. We will strive to build new partnerships by promoting cooperation and coexistence and co-prosperity with supply chain business partners and businesses that aim to create value.

Human rights due diligence

To promote respect for human rights in our business activities, we have devised policies and procedures related to human rights and procurement,
and conduct human rights due diligence (DD). In determining human rights themes to be addressed, we incorporate the opinions of outside experts
through dialogue, in addition to discussions in each subcommittee. We will continue to address identified issues and disclose information as
To promote respect for human rights in our business activities, we have devised policies and procedures related to human rights and procurement,
and conduct human rights due diligence (DD). In determining human rights themes to be addressed, we incorporate the opinions of outside experts
through dialogue, in addition to discussions in each subcommittee. We will continue to address identified issues and disclose information as

Human Rights DD Implementation Process

Human Rights DD Implementation Process

Engagement in Human Rights Issues

Step 1
Human rights risk surveys
  • 「Based on the “Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains,” we have identified human rights risks in each business sector, as well as on the basis of products handled and business region
  • Based on customer feedback, whistle-blower reports, and other information, we have investigated the potential for human rights risks, and ensured that systems for the early identification and rectification of human rights violations are functioning
  • We have confirmed the status of JAT’s handling of commercial products associated with particularly high human rights risks
Step 2
Current conditions, future risks
  • Based on survey results, we have evaluated the severity and probability of human rights risks, and identified potential human rights themes to address more fully in the future
Step 3
Dialogues with experts
  • We have engaged in dialogues with external experts on the social aspects surrounding human rights issues and the relevance of the Company’s human rights themes, including both their identification and related future initiatives
Step 4
Human rights themes
  • Incorporating dialogues with experts, the Sustainability Committee has identified human rights themes as issues the Company must address

Step 3Dialogue with experts held August 16, 2023
Participating external experts Members of Sustainability Governance Consulting Div.,
Human Resources Governance Leaders Co., Ltd.

Engagement in Human Rights Issues

Issue 1

Ascertaining working conditions at partner companies involved in facility management

Amid labor shortage concerns, it is important to ensure that work environments are properly maintained by subcontractors that manage facilities. First we plan to assess the working environment in the areas of security and cleaning through questionnaires and other methods. In the event any areas needing improvement are identified, remedial measures are discussed.

Issue 2

Identifying retail F&B supply chain human rights risks

As Japan’s premier gateway to the skies, it is important that we reduce supply chain risks related to the products we provide. To this end, we first must identify human rights risks in the supply chain, starting with our original clothing products and the coffee we serve at our directly managed stores. In the event that areas needing improvement are identified, we discuss remedial measures.

Other human rights-related issues

Although human rights risk surveys confirm that the system for rapid risk identification and remedial action is functioning, we have identified the following three items that we will continue to monitor and address to ensure that future changes in the social environment do not have a negative impact on human rights.

human rights-related issues
human rights-related issues sp

Enhancing Sustainability Governance

The JAT Group has a Procurement Policy and Sustainable Procurement Guidelines to promote proper supply chain management and fair procurement practices. The guidelines are distributed to major suppliers and set as a KPI to be achieved in fiscal 2023. Currently, of the approximately 3,500 suppliers, tenants, and other companies that do business with our Group, about 570 companies have been identified as Tier 1, accounting for 90% of overall transaction value. The Supply Chain Subcommittee is taking the lead in disseminating information and requesting cooperation during fiscal 2023. In future, we will also work with the Human Rights Subcommittee to ensure supply chain-wide fair procurement. We will conduct additional surveys in business areas where human rights risks have been identified as high.
