Promotion of DX

Utilizing DX to pursue satisfaction and convenience in the airport experience

In realizing our long-term vision, we recognize that the use of digital technologies is indispensable if we are to make Haneda Airport’s functions and services the best in the world. To this end, we are pursuing digital transformation (DX) using two approaches: offensive DX, to achieve business transformation; and defensive DX, to realize greater efficiency of existing operations by using digital technologies.

Haneda DX Vision 2025

Data-driven management

We will create a Haneda Airport data base that is easy to use, permits upgrading of airport functions and services, and employs data-driven management.

Data Compilation image

Restructuring Indirect Operations

To achieve data-driven management, we aim to improve the efficiency of indirect personnel by updating and optimizing operational backbone systems and revising business processes.

Store and warehouse innovations

Restructuring Indirect Operations

To achieve data-driven management, we aim to improve the efficiency of indirect personnel by updating and optimizing operational backbone systems and revising business processes.

Current status and ideal state of indirect operations

Promotion structure and DX human resource development

Under the direct supervision of the president, in July 2022 we set up the Digital Business Office. It carries out comprehensive, Company-wide offensive and defensive DX strategies. Further, to steadily develop human resources who will support the promotion of DX, we have formulated a DX human resource development plan. We aim to implement this in the second half of FY2023.

DX human resource Development

Council of digital promotion team leaders

The council of digital promotion team leaders comprises digital leaders selected from different departments. In cooperation with the Digital Business Office and experts in digital transformation (DX), the council provides basic training so that its members will be able to facilitate and coordinate DX projects that are largely relevant to their departments.

Council of digital promotion team leaders