Financial Highlights

Operating revenues (millions of yen)

Operating income (millions of yen)

Ordinary income (millions of yen)

Net income (millions of yen)

Total assets (millions of yen)

Net assets (millions of yen)

Item FY2019
Operating revenues 249,756 52,572 57,057 113,050 217,578
Operating income 9,892 -59,020 -41,255 -10,579 29,527
Ordinary income 8,705 -57,320 -43,861 -12,064 27,225
Net income (loss) 5,012 -36,578 -25,217 -3,901 19,255
Total assets 521,363 519,193 463,878 446,955 460,423
Net assets 201,899 195,544 156,009 140,951 166,036
*The “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition” and relevant revised ASBJ regulations are adopted from the beginning of FY2021.